This Is Where Elves and Aliens Make Out
Hi, you’ve reached author David J. Stuart’s website.
Unfortunately, he can’t come to the phone right now. Until then, please enjoy reading a bit about him, subscribing to his newsletter, and seeing where you can purchase his books whenever they are available. Thanks for calling!
Who in the fried Hell is David J. Stuart?
David is a former English teacher-turned-SFF author. He primarily writes stories centered around queer characters confronting mental health struggles and social inequality. His characters also tend to kiss and bang multiple people, which some would argue is more important, but that’s not for him to judge.
David is also a full-time player of games and music, and he is the father of one son and five furry nightmares, although they prefer the term “cats.”
Does David actually write things?
He does! In fact, you can pre-order his debut office romantasy Firewind’s Accord now by either clicking this link or the fancy book cover David worked so hard on over there. It’'ll be out on Nov. 11th! Or, if you’re super-impatient, you can purchase and start reading it now over at Smashwords!